My First Blog

Why did I start my blog?

I wanted some place where I can write about my projects so that other people can benefit from them. That is why I started to think about a blog.

How did I chose my blogging platform

First things first I needed something for free and something that is not so commonly used so I can learn new things. I read a lot about blogging and I found some interesting ways to start.

There are many blogging platforms, some are easy to use other a little less.

Here are some blogging platforms that I found:

1. WordPress


WordPress is definitely the best blogging platform you can find. With WordPress anyone can start blogging, you do not have to have any knowledge of coding. It can also be free, you just need to create an account at, chose a theme and some other stuff and in a matter of minutes you get a link like this: and then you can start writing posts about anything. But there is a catch: they can delete your blog at any time if they found it offensive or with inappropriate content.

2. Blogger


Blogger is a little bit old now and is not so commonly used nowadays. It was definitely the best blogging platform when it came out.

3. Tumblr


Tumblr is definitely an interesting platform, is a Blogging and Social platform at the same time. It is very simple to use and you can start blogging right after you create an account.

4. My choice


It is not really a blogging platform but you can use it as one. I chose GitHub-Pages, powered by Jekyll. It is not the most simple thing to do, but I chose it because I wanted to learn new things. In addition it does not require DataBase for posts, all posts are written in markdown in separate files in _posts folder. If you are interested about this you can always look at my Github Page project.