Today I decided to change the location of my Repository for KODI Popcorn Time.


Because I already published the second KODI Popcorn Time release candidate I decided to clean up project folder on Github. So I moved Repository and all releases to new project. In addition to this I have some ideas to create some more addons for Kodi and it would be pointless to have a separate repository for them.

In current project I deleted source code of repository and old releases of KODI Popcorn Time. From now on you can find all releases of my addons in new location. If you have checked Auto-update for repository, it should start updating itself, so you do not need to do anything. If you have it set to update manually I recommend to update it as soon as possible.

I will leave last 2 releases in old project for at least 1 month to ensure that all of you update to the last version of Repository before I delete it.